What should a district consider when making a decision about whether or not to use T-PESS rubric with assistant principals?

The following response is taken from the T-PESS facilitator manual with minor modification for this question:
Each system and program utilized by a school district require a clear understanding, by all stakeholders, of their purposes and expected benefits. Doing so helps to clarify the “why” and the “value” as it relates to the vision and mission of the school district.
A first step to implementing a new principal (or assistant principal) evaluation system is to clearly define and communicate the purpose of doing so. The following are important questions, as a first step, for district leadership as they seek to clarify the purpose and begin to frame the discussions and communications to stakeholders for implementation of a new principal (or assistant principal) evaluation system.
  1. What is the primary purpose(s) of implementing and using a new principal (or assistant principal) evaluation system?
  2. What is the benefit(s) of implementing a new principal (or assistant principal) evaluation system? To individuals? To the school district?
  3. Why will the implementation and effective use of a new principal (or assistant principal) evaluation system improve school performance and student achievement?
  4. How do the purposes of evaluation (of assistant principals) align with other systems or programs in place within the district?